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New Rental on Sherwood! [Columbus, GA]

New Rental on Sherwood! [Columbus, GA]
What’s going on guys? This is Ryan with Flagship outside of our newest rental acquisition here in Columbus, Georgia. Going to do a walk around and walk through, show you kind of what we’re planning to do here and a little bit about it. So this is [inaudible 00:00:13] Avenue in Columbus, kind of midtown area near the hospital. She’s not in bad shape, actually. Needs a little bit of love. The seller inherited the property. The tenant quit paying. And so they just were ready to get rid of it. So we have some trash left behind from the prior tenant that we’re going to have to take care of. Obviously a lot of the stuff out front here is landscaping related. We need to cut these bushes either totally out or way back. Got this tree with a bunch of limbs hanging over the top of the house. We’ll probably cut those back.

And then we’ve got this massive tree here right by the road. You can barely see the house because of this tree. So we’re going to take this totally out just to… I mean, it just takes up like half the yard, but on the outside, it’s spinal siding. So we’ll pressure wash everything. I’ll probably take that little awning down. It looks pretty nasty. Roof looks okay. Paint these shutters, that kind of stuff. In the back, the backyard’s not too bad. It’s got a shed back there that’s in decent shape. Kind of more the same in the back. It’s just kind of nasty and scraggly back here. We’ll get rid of the remaining trash, cut out these nasty bushes and stuff that are just ugly. But other than that, not a whole lot going on. The windows are good. Vinyl siding is good.

There’s a few spots where we might have to patch the vinyl siding, but pressure wash and cleaning up the yard is about all we’ll do out here. Here we are on the inside of the Sherwood Avenue property. They left a little bit of trash in here for us, but we’ll get it knocked out. So living area. And then when I turn around, it’s the kitchen. The kitchen’s not in bad shape. We’ll paint these cabinets, put on new hardware, put on some new countertops. We’ll go back with our stainless steel appliances, that kind of stuff. But overall, the kitchen’s in pretty good shape. Obviously. We’ll paint everything in here. Patch all these holes. There’s a bunch of nails in the wall, some sheet rock issues that we’ll fix. Replace all the floors in here.

Some of them look okay, some of them don’t. So we’ll just replace them all. Just for uniformity. There’s a couple soft spots in the floors we will need to fix when we pull up the floors. So nothing too bad. Got two bedroom, one bath helm, this is the bathroom. We’ll come in and there’s two separate vanities here. I think I’ll probably just put in a larger one and a bigger mirror instead of having two vanities, two lights, all that stuff. Toilet there. Tub looks okay. Actually, probably won’t do much with that. Just clean it up. Paint everything obviously. We’ve got our two bedrooms on either side of the bathroom, so left us a bed here, bed frame at least. Get that out of here. So yeah, it should look great. It’s in a pretty solid location. Quite little street here in Columbus. I’m excited to see how this one looks when we’re done.
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